My Surf Trip To Nicaragua… The Land Of The Offshore.

Let’s start here…

Once I’d finished journeying through Costa Rica for a month it was time to continue my surf trip and rendezvous with my best friend, Simone, and little brother, Henry, where we would spend the next three months volunteering in a surf camp in Nicaragua. I’ll be honest, I hadn't much expectations of Nicaragua. My research had been brief, but I was eager to embrace the unknown.

After a lengthy journey through the borders, I finally arrived at our surf camp. It was a bumpy ride, but upon arrival, I was surprised to be greeted with a spacious and inviting layout. We were high in the mountains and perched above the jungle, from the balcony we were offered uninterrupted views all the way down to the sea. With my excitement growing, I unpacked my belongings, ready to find some waves the next day.

Nicaragua Surf Retreat

A journey to the land of the offshore.

Before the sun awoke, us three headed off for a quick surf before the day of work started. I was settled in the southern area of Nicaragua, just outside a vibrant town called San Juan Del Sur. The towns beach itself doesn't get much swell, if any. So we carried on a little further to Playa Maderas. And there, as the sun cast its golden hue over the jungle behind, we were met by the allure of dreamy A-frames, perfect off shore wind and only a few locals to share some waves with.

And so, the routine commenced: wake up, surf, eat, work, surf again. Among my tasks at the camp, one was to help as a surf guide, leading guests to the day's best breaks—a role that felt more like a privilege than work. A few of my favourite spots that we would discover were El Yankee, Playa Hermosa, and Tamarindo. Though each required a trek from the car, the dedicated surfer would find the effort well worth the reward.

Finding out the secret.

Never before had I experienced such a prolonged streak of perfect surfing conditions—days on end of consistent swell, ideal wind, and empty breaks. Whether it was due to a recent civil unrest that had put off tourist or our willingness to travel far and wide in search of pristine waves, each day guaranteed to bring untouched perfection.

It felt almost too good to be true. So I started to ask around, "How is it so perfect here ALL the time?" and finally I found out its secret, known as 'the lake effect.' A natural phenomenon, which is fueled by the colossal lakes of Managua and Nicaragua. These lakes channel winds through the country, blessing Nicaragua with 300 days of offshore conditions.

                              Isn’t the world wonderful.

It’s been a few years since I last visited ‘The land of the offshore’ and I still dream of those perfect waves. Often wondering if it has gotten any busier, or become gentrified like everywhere else nowadays. In fact, maybe I shouldn’t even share this with you..... There is a lot more to tell of this paradise, so stay tuned for more in depth stories of specific breaks, the localism and the country.

- Catharine O’Boyle


Localism. What are your thoughts?